EU Representative according to GDPR

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Does your company have its registered office outside the European Union, but provide products and services to people in the EU and/or systematically monitor their behaviour? Then the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to you and you must appoint a representative in the EU.

By appointing us as your EU representative you will benefit from the experience we have gathered over more than 15 years in the data protection field, our solid knowledge of European data protection law and transparent fixed monthly payment plans. On behalf of your company our consultants will communicate efficiently with your European data subjects and cooperate effectively with the EU data protection supervisory authorities.

Data Protection EU Representative Tasks

Tasks of an EU representative

The representative is the contact point for EU supervisory authorities and people in the EU whose personal data has been or will be processed by your company. The primary tasks of an EU representative are:

  • responding to any inquiries data protection authorities or data subjects may have concerning data processing
  • receiving legal documents for the company as an authorised agent and maintaining records of processing activities
  • providing data processing records when requested by supervising authorities
  • being subject to enforcement proceedings, should the company not be compliant with the regulation

We would be happy to assist you as your EU Representative.
Contact us for a free initial consultation.

Difference between EU Representative and External DPO

The role and duties of the Representative differ from those of the External Data Protection Officer (DPO).

The EU Representative, on the other hand, is the person designated, where applicable, to represent companies that are not based in the EU regarding their obligations under the GDPR. So, this role is a contact point for European authorities and affected individuals for all questions concerning processing of users’ personal data. According to the GDPR, the representative does not have to possess any special qualifications. Nevertheless, it is advisable for the representative to have a sound knowledge of data protection law in the EU and the member states in which their client is active. Contact us for further information.

The External DPO is an independant consultant who is designated, where applicable, to inform and advise the company of the obligations pursuant to the GDPR and monitors compliance with it. Special professional qualifications are required to perform these tasks. Appointing the External DPO is included in our standard Data Protection Consultancy packages.



We have more than 20 years work experience in the market, sound knowledge of European data protection laws and a wide network of partners in Europe. Our consultants are TĂśV and DEKRA certified data protection specialists and lawyers.

Fair price

We offer a transparent flat-rate price package that will suit most companies. If your company has specific requirements, we will create a special offer for you. Contact us for a quote.


The contact person for the data subjects and the supervisory authorities must have the necessary language skills to be able to answer enquiries in the relevant languages. We can process requests in all European languages.

Our offer

  • Free initial consultation
  • Registering your company’s postal address for the purposes of GDPR
  • Creating a separate data privacy e-mail address for enquiries from data subjects and supervisory authorities
  • Keeping a record of processing activities of the company
  • Contact point for affected parties and supervisory authorities
  • Review and processing of 10 enquiries from data subjects and authorities included in the package
  • Dedicated consultant/representative as contact person and consultant in all GDPR matters for management and staff members responsible for data protection in your company

EU Representative for a non-EU company

  • In our package offer we provide all technical and organizational prerequisites to represent your company vis-Ă -vis affected parties and supervisory authorities.
  • With our own team and an extensive partner network, we can respond to enquiries from all European markets in the respective language.


For the free initial consultation, you can request an appointment using the buttons below. In order to prepare for the consultation meeting, we will ask you to answer a few questions in advance. The more detailed your answers are, the better we can evaluate and discuss your individual situation with you.